Escort Card Ideas that do Double Duty

I’m all about a good wedding hack! Escort cards are already serve a purpose- helping guests find out to what table they’ve been assigned. And creating a beautiful escort card display definitely enhances the visual for a wedding, especially since this table usually greets guests upon their arrival. So why not let the energy and detail that is put into creating this display carry on through the wedding a bit more? Below are 5 ideas for escort cards that serve an additional function as well!

  1. Double as the Champagne Toast

You’ve probably all seen this one before, but in never gets old for me! A stunning entrance installation, an elegant way for guests to find their seat, AND the champagne toast… now that’s actually triple duty!


2. Doubles as the Guest Gift

There are a million directions you could go for this one, but I do love when the escort card also is the guest gift to take home. Pressed framed herbs, potted succulents, book marks, coasters….you could really do almost anything!

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3. Doubles as the Party Starter

And what better way to start a party than with a shot of tequila? I adore these Himalayan sea salt shot glasses calligraphed with the guests’ names and garnished with a lime of course!

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4. Doubles as Table Decor

Why leave the beautiful display behind? With these bud vase escort cards, guests are encouraged to carry their vase to their table and incorporate them into the centerpiece decor.


5. Doubles as a Sweet Treat

I mean, this is self explanatory. So you can have your escort card and eat it too!


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